A Tábua Humana (Human Board)

A Tábua Humana (Human Board)

Bruno Caracol, Ouressa event.

The project represents a staging of a historical experiment, inspired by the hypnosis demonstrations of the beginning of the 20th century, where the subject, induced by a hypnotist, poses rigidly between two chairs, almost levitating, this rigidity being attributed to the state of trance of the subject. The project consists of a stereoscopic photographic series made at the exhibition site, with the workers helping with the assembling of the exhibition. The series is displayed in a 3D viewfinder, placed on the same chairs used in the photographs. This project was realized during the exhibition program of Centro Cultural São Paulo, Brazil, in 2010.

Bruno Caracol, A Tábua Humana.
Bruno Caracol, A Tábua Humana.
Bruno Caracol, A Tábua Humana.
Bruno Caracol, A Tábua Humana.
Bruno Caracol, MAZA 415 - Esteban, 2006.
Bruno Caracol, MAZA 415 – Esteban, 2006.
Between July 2006 and July 2007, I worked with Amanecer, a foster home for teenagers based in Buenos Aires. The work at Amanecer was submerged in the daily life of the youngsters that inhabited it, a collective formed following the staging of a theater play about and with street children. We organized video- and photography workshops, drawing classes, and published an anthology of e process’ formal punctuations, made of day-by-day games and informal experiences. One of these expanded experiences was the proposal to interact with the house’s objects and structures, creating uncanny situations, optical illusions that could amass body, object, and architecture.
Bruno Caracol, Ouressa event, 2008.
Bruno Caracol, Ouressa event, 2008.
Bruno Caracol, Ouressa event, 2008.
Bruno Caracol, Ouressa event, 2008.
In the outskirts of Lisbon, Algueirão/Mem-Martins were two rival villages divided by a train line that grew into an indistinct suburban city with mid-20th century migration that took the capital. It was part of a rural belt that was formed with the expulsion of the Muslim population from Lisbon in the 12th century Christian conquest, historically responsible for providing the city with its vegetables. The Ouressa event is a diptych made on the outskirts of Mem-Martins, with my father and brother-in-law as participants in the simulation of a UFO with a cooking pan and a cane.
The project consists of a stereoscopic photographic series made at the exhibition site, with the workers helping with the assembling of the exhibition.


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